Saturday, September 19, 2009

I am better, amen

I am sorry for not blogging. I had a bad cold and last night was the first night that I ate solid foods! Therefore, blogging about food did not make sense. But, I am back and all is well.
Fitness Tip: Negatives
To add some diversity to your workout, one way to mix it up is to do negatives. No, I don’t mean saying “No, I won’t work out, “ I suck” “ or “My arm hurts I can’t”. Negatives are when you do the exercises super-slowly, up and down. This creates an isometric exercise while moving, It makes you use sabilizer muscles that normally do not get targeted. Negatives fatigue your muscle quickly, but make you work harder and more effectively. Take about 60% of the weight you would normally use and perform counting three seconds in the pulling or pushing in, and three second pulling or pushing out. This will shake up your workout and your muscles!

Food Tip: Omega-3
You must eat oil. Oil is good for your skin and joints. Think Tin Man. It is important to have a good variety of fatty acids. Salmon and avocados are natural foods that contain fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are great for you heart. They also help in your mood. I mean it won’t replace a Prozac, but it could help you when you are feeling as moody as Kayne West. What is wrong with him anyway? So either take Omega-3 as a natural food source (salmon, almonds, olive oil, or avocado), or take as a supplement, such as fish oil or flax seed oil tablets.

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