Thursday, October 22, 2009

40th post!~

By the way...I appreciate all of you who read my blog. I hope that I motivate you. If i just entertain you, well, I hope we can take that further!

Fitness Tip: Do your math!
Fitness and weight loss is a game of numbers. Here is the deal, and we talked about this before. In order to lose one pound of fat (NOT H2O weight), you must burn 3500 calories. We talked a bit about resting metabolism. Most people’s resting metabolism is between 1200-1800 calories. Therefore, if your resting metabolism is 1500, and you eat 1500 calories, you must burn 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat. If your resting metabolism is 1500, and you eat 2000 calories, you must burn 4000 calories to burn one pound of fat. Make sense? I thought so.
So here is where it gets tricky. When you read the label in back of your food and you look at the nutritional value and serving sizes you read one major disclaimer that no one talks about – this is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. No one is on a 2,000 calorie diet that I know, except maybe an athlete. This is where algebra comes in to play. I think that’s why mathematicians are skinny because they understand this crap. So let me break it down for you again (like Salt and Pepa). You need to think about the fraction of your meal plan and how it relates to a 2,000 calorie diet. If you are doing a 1600 calories diet, then the proportion of the recommended daily dosage based on 2,000 calories diet is 1600/2000 or 80%. Therefore, you need to account multiply 80% to every one of those nutrients to see what percentage of that nutrient is in your diet. Does that make sense? Reread cause this stuff is important!
And because of all this, I am not making a recipe today. Oh and because its leftover night.

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